Class Name: Concerra Summoner
Good for 1v1 and massive PVP focused on stealth skills.
Meister Trees
.Creatix( Staff)
Magic attack, terrible for PvE,It has a very strong HP drain and a lot of curses against enemies in PvP
Build-Stats: full Spr or 50% spr %50 heal
.Whispering Daath( Dual Blade)
Physical DMG ATK, great for DPS in PVE and PVP.
Build-Stats: full Dex or 50% dex %50 heal
PvE Buildings (for DB)
Items PvE
.Weapon Rondo
.Rank option(higher you get) -all atk
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,% DK, % mele atk
.Rank option (higher you get)-Max hp, all res,vitality, all atk
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,% DK, % mele atk
Gems -
Gems for Armor Pieces - Health All defense 79, Health Sardonyx 40,Health critical res stone 7%
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - Stone IV / V any type of element
Gems for Wings - Jewel Battle 5%
Gems for Weapon - 10% / 11% DEX element any type
Pet - Unique Porsch + Pet clamp 8% ( melee damage )
Atribute PvE(Dual Blade)
.melee atk 15
.Vitality 15
.Boss dmg 15
PvE Buildings (for Staff)
Items para PvE
.Weapon Rondo
.Rank option(higher you get) -all atk
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,% DK, % magic atk
.Rank option (higher you get)-Max hp, all res,vit, all atk
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,% DK, % magic atk
Gems -
Gems for Armor Pieces - Health All defense 79, Health Sardonyx 40, ,Health critical res stone 7%
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - Stone IV / V element Posion dmg
Gems for Wings - Jewel Battle 5%
Gems for Weapon - 10% / 11% spr element poison
Pet - Unique Porsch + Pet clamp 8% ( magic damage )
Atribute PvE(Staff)
.Magic atk 15
.Vitality 15
.Boss dmg 15
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -
for DualBlade
.Moon light Qune's earring + Divine earrings
.DEX perpetus + Ultimade Deka Line Ring+Great Devil horn + The only freezing neck
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,dk atk, % mele atk
for staff
.Moon light Qune's earring + Divine earrings
.Spr perpetus + Ultimade Deka Line Ring+Great Devil horn + The only freezing neck
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,dk atk, % magic atk
Colosseum God of war + Colosseum Champion bracelets + Strengthened Darkness Belt
. Poison Damage Talisman V
Costums Brasões
Exp 75% (x2) (Verde)
(M) Tolerância a Danos 12% (x2) (Azul)
Todos os Ataques 23% / DK Ataque 15%(Roxo)
Todos os Ataques 27%(Laranja)
. 5% Pve
Skill Pve For DualBlade
Skill pve para Staff

.PvP Builds Dual Blade
.Items for PvP(Dual Blade)
. Wapon:
Zuto Infused Dual Blade
.Rank option: all atk 6K+/Destro 4.7k+
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,dk atk, Physical Penetration
.Gems:Dex 10/11% Any elemental
..PvP Builds Staff
. Wapon:
Zuto Infused Staff
. Rank option: all atk 6K+/Destro 4.7k+
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,dk atk, % cancel abn res
.Gems: 2x Jawel hp 4000
Helmet: Shadow of Death( MC4)-max hp
.Rank option (higher you get)- all res, Critical res,Crit dmg res,Block
.Brands(yellow): HP,HEAL,% HP,DK all res
.White Candy Earring-Aegis earing
. Infinite Spr Draconic Perpetuus( max abnormal Status res)( for Staff)
. Infinite Dex Draconic Perpetuus( max abnormal Status res)( for Dual Blade),Great Devil's Horn,Noble Captain ring,Ring of hard gemma.
LVL 230
Aquanic Emblem V
Colosseum God of war + Colosseum Champion bracelets
Gems:any element
Helpyron Belt
Rank: 2x magic res/3% melee/3% Range res
Gems:2x Immortal Reduce 4%
Brands(Yellow): HP,HEAL,% HP,DK all res
Dark Atma
Gems:5% pvp bonus
Barning Dauto
Gems:8% Abnormal Res
Costumes Defensive
Against class melee


Against class magic
Build Offensive pvp Dual Blade
Wings:Offencive PSY(ys)
.Gems: 2x Jawel Battle 5%
.Helmet: Shadow of Death( MC4)-max hp
.Rank option (higher you get)- master,vitality
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,% DK, % Pysical Penentration
.Moon light Qune's earring(OP PVP BONUS) + Divine earrings
.Infinite Dex Draconic Perpetuus( max Master),Great Devil's Horn,
.Noble Captain ring,The Only Chaos Necklace.
lvl 230
Aquanic Emblem V
Awakened Juto Bracelet
rank option:6%+ Any elemental
Awakened Juto Belt
rank option: Dex 130+/5% Any elemental
.Brands(yellow)-melee atk,Dex,% DK, % Pysical Penentration
Build Offensive pvp Staff
Wings:Offencive Magic(ys)
Gems: 2x Jawel Piercing 1.5%
Helmet: Shadow of Death( MC4)-max hp
.Rank option (higher you get)- master,vitality
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,% DK, % cancel abn res
.Moon light Qune's earring(op CC) + Divine earrings
.Infinite SPR Draconic Perpetuus( max Master),Great Devil's Horn,
.Sublime Captain ring,The Only Chaos Necklace.
lvl 230
Aquanic Emblem V
Awakened Juto Bracelet/Zuto
rank option:6%+ Poison
Awakened Juto Belt
rank option: SPR 130+/5% Poison
.Brands(yellow)-magic atk,spr,dk atk, % cancel abn res

Skill Combos for PvP -Dual Blade
Combination 1
.Shadow attack-Silence the skill
.Achilles Burst -Stun
.Imagery Blade-buff dmg and dps
Combination 2
.Shadow attack-Silence the skill
.Spiral Poison-DPS
Combination 3
. Shadow attack-Silence the skill
.Imagery Blade-Poison dmg and dps
Atribute PvP(Dual Blade)
.Cancel abnormal 15
.Critical hit dmg res 14
.Physical penetration 14
.Melee attack atk 15
.Magic res 2
Skill Combos for PvP-Staff
Combination 1
.Poison Haze-bleeding
.Sethor Valen-dps
.Gian fist-dps
Combination 2
.Hell Bust-Buff magic atk
.Poison Haze-bleeding
.Sethor Valen-dps
.Gian fist-dps
Combination 3
.Leg Region Hell-Move Speed-200%
.Hell Bust-Buff magic atk
.Poison Haze-bleeding
.Sethor Valen-dps
.Gian fist-dps
Atribute PvP(Staff)
.Cancel abnormal 15
.Critical hit dmg res 14
.Magic penetration 14
.Magic atk 15
.Magic res 2