Basics / Summary Weapons, armors, and some accessories can be reinforced to give better stats. This is denoted by the (+) sign in the item’s name. For example, a Zuto’s Belt when reinforced becomes Zuto’s Belt +1 and so on. show +0 and +1 pic Just because one part can be upgraded, doesn't mean that all the others can be. For example, a Zuto Bracelet can be upgraded, but a God of War bracelet cannot be reinforced. 2 pics Items normally get destroyed upon failure. However, D-shop items may be used to prevent this. Here's a summary of all of them: Blacksmith Protector - for Normal / Legendary items +7 to +10; prevents destruction of item but does not increase success rate. Blacksmith Talisman - for Normal / Legendary items +1 ~ +9; increase success rate only. Blacksmith’s Anvil - for Normal / Legendary items +10 only; increase success rate only. Blacksmith’s Grace - for Epic Items +7 to +9; prevent destruction of item and increase success rate. Blacksmith’s Glory - for Epic Items +10 to +12; prevent destruction of item and increase success rate. Theos Protector - for Theos Items +13 to +15; prevent destruction of item and increase success rate Theos Glory - for Theos Items +13 to +15; prevent destruction of item and increase success rate Here is the summary of the upgrade rates and necessary D-shop items for easier understanding: pictures of all the blacksmith items Normal / Legendary grade These items either have White, or Green names. Such items are DK Gloves and the Strengthened Darkness Belt. Normal items have a maximum of +9, while Legendary items can reach +10. Sample item Make the following into a table?? Need to use Regular Copper Argates, Silver Argates, and Gold Argates to upgrade. pic Need to use Blacksmith’s Talisman to increase success for +1 to +9 pic Need to use Blacksmith’s Anvil to increase success for +9 to +10 pic Need to use Blacksmith Protector to prevent the item from getting destroyed upon failure. pic Epic grade (condensed + grace/glory) These items have Purple names. Such items are Helion or Zuto whether they are weapons, armors, or accessories. They have a maximum reinforcement of +10. Sample item Need to use Condensed Copper Argate (+1 to +3) / Condensed Silver Argate (+4 to +6) / Condensed Gold Argate (+7 above) to upgrade. pic Need to use Blacksmith’s Grace to BOTH increase success rate and prevent the item from getting destroyed upon failure (for +7 to +9) pic Need to use Blacksmith’s Glory to BOTH increase success rate and prevent the item from getting destroyed upon failure (for +9 to +10) pic Special Epic Accessories (Red Monkey Earrings) These items have Purple names. They work exactly like the Epic Grade items. The first difference is they use Water Argates instead of Condensed Copper / Silver / Gold Argates. The next difference is they can break at all + (anywhere from +0 to +10, they can break if failed). sample red monkey / pics Theos grade These items have Brown names. They have a maximum reinforcement of +15. The only epic grade item that can become Theos Grade is the MC3 Helmet. Once the MC3 becomes +10, you can transform it into the MC4 Helmet which is Theos grade, and thus, you can upgrade it into +15. sample item Same mechanics as Epic grade items from +1 to +10. Need to use Condensed Gold Argates to upgrade for +11 to +15. pic Need to use Blacksmith’s Glory to BOTH increase success rate and prevent the item from being destroyed (for +10 to +12) pic / s Need to use Theos Protector or Theos Glory to BOTH increase success rate and prevent the item from getting destroyed upon failure (+13 to +15) pic / s