What to do next?
Sometimes, new players have a hard time figuring out what to do first to make their characters progress. This guide will help you have a steady progression from a complete beginner to the maxed player.
Key Tips
Make your progression with a balance of going for the cheapest and the most useful upgrades.
Max out your PVE damage first. You will not be competitive in PVP with 50% gear or even 80% gear. You need to be 95% geared to fight. You will be spending most of your time in the early game farming.
Join a guild with a buff as soon as you can. Having no guild in Dekaron in 2024 is a HUGE DEBUFF.
If spending a good amount of dil or d-shop, make sure to ask veteran players for the price. People will be people and they will be trying to rip you off especially if you do not know the normal prices!!
Keeping up to date with updates (patches, events, donation discounts, etc..) is KEY! Join the discord channel as soon as you start downloading the game. Link: https://discord.gg/cq4yjRv4yb
Early Game Priorities
The new Holy Water System
As of November 2023, Holy Water of Almighty is no longer available immediately upon character creation. However, you unlock a 1-day Holy Water on Level 220, 7-day on Level 225, and 15-day on Level 227. This prevents the AFK capabilities of new players at the start but benefits them in a long run. Because of this, you may consider buying a 30-day Holy Water as one of your top priorities.
Getting to Level 210 / 220 / 223 / 225 / 227
This is an important milestone as you unlock free accessories (Starter Devil’s Horn, Starter Fallen’s Sailor Ring, and Starter Pure Moon Star Earrings). You also will be able to unlock your Grand Meister 2 at level 210.
As said above, there are new boxes at levels 223, 225, and 227.
7 Day EXP Talisman Expiry (personal recommendation)
The 500% EXP talisman is the biggest boost you could have early on for EXP. I would recommend utilizing this and reaching level 230+ on your main character for the first week. If you are making your main character today, keep it leveling for 7 days straight in red holes, tower of magic runs, kastrioti mansion runs (whenever available) and make an alternate character to farm for those 7 days instead. Note however that you can buy another EXP talisman on the D-shop once it expires.
Buy an Independent Necklace
Worth only 50 Seed of Dreams, you can buy this from Rising Helion NPC in Ardeca. It is an amazing starter accessory. It can be upgraded to the Frozen Necklace which is going to be a best-in-slot accessory for PVE later on.
PVE Mount (Type 1)

This might be unusual, but this is one of the best economical items you can have early on. You can buy a mount box for 4500 Gemstones and 4500 Snowflakes (NPC: Rising Helion in Ardeca). Both of which are considerably cheap. The amount of time you cut from riding a mount instead of walking is insane and underrated. It also gives extra 100% EXP which is super valuable for leveling.
Estimated price: 400 - 600m (4500 Gemstones + 4500 Snowflakes)
Maxing Grand Meisters and Meisters
This is the biggest damage spike as a starter. The damage increase you will have from having level 1 meisters / grand meisters to level 10 is insane. Ruins of Baz is the fastest way to farm Gniar’s Stolen Scroll. However, it is faster to farm Seed of Dreams in Elonohm then sell it for dil, then buy Gniar’s Stolen Scroll from other players. You may do either way. Use your own judgment.
How to upgrade your Grand Meister / Meister guide (link)
Estimated price: 10-20k Scrolls roughly: 500m - 1b (~500m per 10k)
Socket your Weapons and Accessories
Farm the gems you may need at Karon’s Fire Pot. The earliest gem you can get from a dungeon is 7% stone gems for bracelets and belts while 9% elemental gems for your weapon (NOTE: ONLY USE 9% WEAPON GEMS IF YOU GET THEM). 11% weapon gems are extremely cheap now and should not cost more than 150m each. DO NOT BUY 9% weapon gems.
Since you can have 3-4 gems in your weapon, 1 stone in each bracelet and 2 stones in your belt, you can have a 55% - 64% damage boost from this. This is the another amazing damage spike for your character.
Estimated price: 100m - 150m per 11% gem, DON’T BUY 9% gems, 50-100m per III stone
Picture of sample gems / made weapons and accessories.
Great Devil’s Horn
This is a best-in-slot accessory that is very cheap. You can buy the materials if you have dil, but along the way, you should have some of them naturally from doing the Forgotten Underground Temple, and AFK-ing in Mitera.
Estimated price ~300m - ~1b depending on luck and overall supply
Devil’s Horn Page
Abyss-Fallen Sailor’s Ring
This is a best-in-slot accessory that is already very cheap. You should not farm this on your own, but ALWAYS buy this from other players.
Estimated price: ~300m to 1b.
Sailor’s Ring Page
Rare Frozen Necklace
This is a great accessory for PVE. Materials are easily available. This is the upgrade of the Independent Necklace you should have bought earlier.
Estimated price: ~600 - ~1b depending on luck.
Frozen / Chaotic Page
30 Day Dragonic Perpetuus Expiry Preparation
Your Dragonic Perpetuus will expire in 30 days. Start to farm the materials for Perpetuus once you have done most, if not all, of the crucial steps above. If Sacred Claw dungeon is still hard for you at this point, consider getting the other stuff below first.
Estimated time for completion: 2-3 days
Perp page (link)
Offensive Wings
(Recommended) BUY made wings from other players!! These will be incredibly cheap as this is secondhand. This can be as cheap as 5b which is the cheapest from which you can buy wings.
If there is no ready-made wings for your class, get it for 1450 D-shop coins. I would personally save up for 3k D-shop Coins, buy the Wings, and buy a 30-Day Holy Water for 1375 Coins. You can also choose to buy the wings itself from other players or you can buy D-shop Coins directly from them (as 1000, 5000, and 10000 amounts). Add sockets and jewel gems as soon as you can.
Wings Upgrade System Page
Why offensive? Most people will tell you to get a defensive wing first because it is more important, and it is better value. And while that is true, having a defensive wing will make 0 difference in whether a maxed player 1 shots you or not. Having a defensive wing early on will make an endgame player do 230k damage on you instead of 250k damage. Having an offensive wing will make you do about 2k-5k more damage to monsters. That 20k damage decrease from players is useless to you early on because you get 1 shot anyway, but that small increase in attack in PVE is crucial.
Max out PVE Damage first before getting the defensive accessories.

There’s two choices for this: Sayre (left) or Porsche (right). You would want the Sayre 95% of the time because it gives 5% Damage Res and 15% Critical DMG. In rare cases where you would want to be more tanky in PVE, you can buy the Porsche pet for 9% PVE DMG Res instead. In both pets, you want to have the 8% ATK gem or 9% Magic ATK gem for PVE. If you wish to get more EXP bonus, you can use Pet EXP Increase 18% gem instead.
Estimated price for Sayre Pet Egg / Porsche Pet Egg: 500m - 1b
Estimated price for Pet Piz / Pet Taric: 500m - 1.5b
Estimated price for Pet Clamp: 150m-500m.
Estimated price for Pet EXP Increase: 300m - 600m
Pet Page
Talisman V
There’s only two versions of the Talisman you can buy. A 50% EXP Talisman or a 5% DMG Talisman. You would need both. However, 50% EXP Talisman are not cheap and you may prioritize them later on once you focus on leveling.
Estimated price for EXP Talisman: ~5b or even higher (this is super in demand)
Estimated price for 5% DMG Talisman: 350m - 750m
Talisman Page
Aquanic Emblem V & Snowflake Emblem V
This is a best-in-slot item (Emblem slot) which is very cheap and is a great bump in stats. Later on, you would need both. You would want an Aquanic Emblem V 90% of the time in PVP while opting for Snowflake Emblem V in certain cases. Note that Snowflake would be more useful for you in PVE, however, Aquanic is considerably cheaper.
Aquanic Page
Snowflake Page
Easy and Good PVE Titles
Feel free to add any other title you wish and are able to acquire. Check the "Titles" guide in Character Building for the full list.
Savior (2/34)
+25 Heal stats
Doomed Maze -> Python Castle (InDun)
Python Castle Dungeon - Kill 1000 prisoners to complete the quest.
Take quest (Savior) from the Python Castle (InDun) entrance.
YOLO (3/34)
+500 Defense
Elleghos Dungeon - Kill boss Mellias
Space of Pilgrimage -> (InDun) Warp
Note: You have to kill every monster to progress the first part of the dungeon.
Spirit Summoner (4/34)
+2% (M) Damage Tolerance
Elleghos Dungeon - Kill 2nd boss Irias without dying since the start of the dungeon.
Space of Pilgrimage -> (InDun) Warp)
Note: You have to kill every monster to progress the first part of the dungeon.
A Destructive Instinct (6/34)
+125 All Attack
Valley Rift -> Elonohm Sanctuary -> Dravice Secret Passageway Dungeon
Dravice Secret Passageway Dungeon - Kill 1000 non-spawning dungeon monsters.
Take the quest at the Entrance.
I Fly Solo (8/34)
+125 All Attack
Valley Rift -> Deadlands -> Jakhan NPC
Infinite Battle 2 Dungeon - Finish it solo.
Taste of Combo (10/34)
+125 All Attack
Norak Cave -> Norak Secret Arena
Norak Secret Arena - kill final boss.
I Hate Yogmond (12/34)
+5% Movement Speed
Dravice Village -> Dravice Field [DK Server]
Dravice Field - die 5 times to Yogmond.
Frontier Pioneer (14/34)
+125 All Attack
Ardeca -> Vascuda NPC
Guild Frontier - enter the Battlefield area. (Ask any active guild for help)
Power of Helpyron (15/34)
+125 All Attack
Ardeca -> Closed Dimensional Door -> Mitera -> Forgotten Underground Temple
Forgotten Underground Temple - give all materials to Miriam.
Get 1x Baron's Crystal, 1x Baron's Necklace, 1x Bishop's Bible, 1x Bishop's Crystal, 1x Helpyron's Eye, 1x Helpyron's Nail, 1x Helpyron's Skin from the dungeon.
Suffering Corridor (17/34)
+125 All Attack
Denebe -> Butler Alfredo [NPC]
Death Corridor - Clear Normal Mode
Greedy One (19/34)
+125 All Attack
Denebe -> Butler Alfredo [NPC]
Death Corridor - Clear Easy Mode
Solo Champion (20/34)
+125 All Attack
Ardeca -> Colosseum Lobby -> Dein [NPC]
Colosseum Arena (Solo) - Finish the dungeon.
Agent of 12 Gods (27/34)
+120 All Elemental Resistance
Crespo -> Crespo Abyss (DK Server) -> Karon's Fragments [InDun]
Finish Karon's Fragments [InDun].
30 Day Costume Expiry
In 30 days, your free Costume will expire. Depending on how fast you are at farming, you can either make a free one or start a strong PVE costume instead.
Free one: Buy a Fisherman’s Hat Ex-Box (around 500m - 1b) and use Free Starter Crests. An alternative to the Fisherman’s Hat is the Basic Transcendence Costume Box worth 4500 Seed of Dreams in the Rising Helion NPC.
Pro Tip: You can create new characters and trade the Free Starter Crest Select Box to your main character then just delete the new character afterwards.
Strong PVE: Buy any of the two above (Fisherman's Hat Ex-Box or Basic Transcendence Costume Box) and use the following crests:
Movement Speed for Green until you get max movement speed, EXP Increase if you are not max movement speed. You may also use 2x EXP Increase instead if you are prioritizing getting to 230 ASAP.
Estimated price: 300-500m for MS, 1b for EXP Increase.
Damage Res for Blue mostly, or PVE Damage Res if you could get one.
Estimated price: 2b-3b each.
All Attack for Purple
Estimated price: 500m-1b.
All Attack for Orange
Estimated price: 500m-1b.
Pro Tip: If you are starting with having 0 crests, it’s better to buy the new “Best PVE Crest Box” for 378 D-shop Coins and gamble there until you get all of them. The EXP Increase 75%, 90%, and PVE DMG Res 12% is naturally high in price so it’s worth the gamble. If you do not fully understand what this means, stick to buying the crests instead of the box. Getting the crests for 500m - 1b flat is better than gambling D-shop.
Divine Moon Star Earrings
This is a best-in-slot offensive earring. It is both useful for PVE and PVP. Similar to the concept of getting offensive wings first, you would want to get the Divine first instead of Aegis (defensive equivalent of the Divine Earrings). Remember: Max out PVE Damage first before getting the defensive accessories.
Estimated price: 3b - 5b.
Page (link)
God of War and Champion Bracelets
These are the last cheap upgrades you can get. Note that you can remove the gem you put in the bracelets. You may use either the III stone gems depending on it as a starter or the IV stone gems already. Depending on the element you need, the IV stone gems could cost so much more or could be cheap. For example, Ice Stone IV would be <500m each while Curse Stone IV can cost up to 2b each.
Estimated price for God of War: 1b - 1.5b
Estimated price for Champion: ~500m
Page (link)
Midgame Priorities
Now, it is time to get yourself the main gears: Weapon and Armor. There are two ways to do this, incrementally or buying as a set.
Making items incrementally
Pros: You get stronger as you gear up meaning you may farm faster along the way, and get more competitive along the way.
Cons: More expensive in general. Why? The prices for items that are already maxed will always be cheaper than the price you make them because of the concept of “secondhand items”. Someone may be willing to sell a set for 30-40k coins while making it on your own can cost up to 50k+ coins depending on luck.
Buying “made” items
Pros: Way cheaper and you do not need to take chances. You would not be “fighting luck” in this scenario. You will spend a fixed amount of coins for an item while it may keep on failing over and over if you do it on your own.
Cons: You do not get to choose the stats. If you want for example a 26% CDR maxed boots, it might be difficult to find one because a lot of people will need it. If you are able to find ready-made boots, you might find a 24% CDR, 25% CDR and so on. Finding the item you need at a good price is hard. If you make your own item, you get to choose exactly how you customize it.
After the Weapons and Armor, you can start looking at the maxed accessories for PVP. Note that at this point, you should have the PVE accessories first. It is incredibly inefficient to do PVP first before the PVE items if you will be progressing the game 100% F2P.
Buying “Made Items”
In my opinion, you would want the following order: Helion Weapon > MC4 > Gloves > Armor = Pants = Boots > Zuto Weapon.
Helion Weapon is the absolute first item you should buy. It accelerates your farming rate insane amounts.
MC4 is the next item because of the raw stats this piece of armor gives. I preferred gloves next because of its offensive stats.
Armor, Pants, and Boots have somewhat of an equal impact in terms of PVE.
Why is Zuto Weapon the last item you need? Because at this point in the game, there is no such thing as a “Midgame PVP player”. You either have to be complete, or you will be losing 70% of your matches. Having the damage is useless if you cannot sustain long enough to deal the damage.
Making Items Incrementally
First, click this link to make sure you understand all the mechanics in crafting, upgrading, socketing, branding etc.
Item Making
System Crafting
Aria Crafitng
Helion Weapon
Craft a Helion Weapon. The stats don’t matter. Make it +7, and put 11% weapon gems. Brand it with a flat 750+ DMG. This should only cost you a bunch of Soul Stones.
Then, start crafting for a good Helion Weapon. Look for at least ~7000 All Attack in total. The other stats do not matter. Once you have this, make it +9/+10. This would vary on your luck and overall feeling. +9 is a safe bet and should be easy for the most part.
Armor Pieces
You do not need to create a +7 random armor. Remember that at this point, you are wearing +15 starter set. Those are better than even +10 armor pieces.
Start crafting armors with good stats.
For the MC3, it is recommended to have at least ~23000 HP. Decide for yourself if you would be happy with 22000, 22500 etc.
For the Armor, it is recommended to have at least ~580 all resist, block at 2150+ (optional). All resist is more important in most cases.
For the Pants, it is recommended to have at least ~580 all resist, and vitality at 330+. This case, you would want both.
For the Gloves, it is recommended to have at least ~2.3k Mastery and ~11% Critical Resistance.
For the Boots, it is recommended to have at least 25% Critical Damage Resistance.
Why the following stats? Remember, you are spending more by doing it incrementally. Do not overspend in making items that are substandard. You would end up making it for a lot of coins, then selling it for cheap just to get it replaced by something better. Note that in the endgame, even the smallest amount of difference in stats makes the world of a difference.
Upgrade them incrementally. You may start getting them to +9 first. Then making them one by one into +10. Once you successfully made a single +10 piece, make them immediately into +12. Note that this is a 100% chance on both upgrades. It is cheaper to get one piece from +10 to +12 than it is to get a +9 into a +10 on average.
Once they are +12, you can start branding 3 good lines into them. The regular choices for offensive branding are:
Melee Attack Damage / Ranged Attack Damage / Magic Attack Damage Flat
Strength / Spirit / Dexterity
DK Attack Damage
Melee Attack Damage / Ranged Attack Damage / Magic Attack Damage %
Cancel Abn Res
Physical Penetration / Magical Penetration
Once they are +12 and has 3 lines of brands, you can replace the corresponding item in the starter set.
Repeat the steps above until you no longer have your starter set.
At this point you are all +12, with ¾ brandings. You can invest incrementally here until you make them all +15 while you invest in other midgame accessories.
However, getting the 4th brand is a mistake here. The reason is it could cost you a fortune just to get that 4th line while you are still missing key pieces in your character’s build.
PVP Gears
First up would be making a +15 Zuto Weapon. Ideally, you would want a weapon with 4.7k+ Destroy, and 6k+ All Attack. Decide it upon your luck in opening boxes, or budget that you are willing to spend.
4.7k Destroy is overrated. It is a common theme for players to find weapons with at least 4.7k Destroy believing that Destroy is a key component. That is only partly true. However, you can compensate with Destroy using Attributes. If you have a weapon that gives you extra +100 destroy, but loses you 600 attack, you basically lost 3 attribute points if you are physical damage and lost 7 attribute points if you are magic damage. Look for weapons with a good balance. You want both, not either.
Then, you would want decent Zuto Bracelets. You have to find the bracelet that matches your character’s element. The more %element of your class, the better. Once you find something like 5%-6% of your class’ element, start upgrading them into +10 and branding them too.
At this stage, leave the belt. Do not get the Zuto Belt or the Darkness Belt yet.
The ‘Vanilla’ Offensive and Defensive PVP Costumes
You can start making your own costumes by using a basic offensive one and a defensive one. The basic rule is you have to be 75% PVP DMG Res, and 75% Damage Res. The rest are optimal based on your character’s build, class, and playstyle.
For the offensive costume:
Green can be either Movement Speed or All ATK depending on your class and preference
Leave the Blue empty for now.
Purple should 90% of the time be DK ATK, while All ATK in some cases
Orange should 90% of the time PVP DMG Bonus, while All ATK again, in some cases. The only way to know is to test it with your character’s setup.
For the defensive costume:
Green can be either Movement Speed or HP
Blue would be PVP DMG Res if you are not 75% PVP DMG res, DMG res if you are not 75% Damage Res otherwise it should be Melee DMG res / DK All Res / Abnormal Resistance. This would be based on preference
Purple would be Cancel Abn Res if needed, DK ATK / All ATK otherwise.
Orange would be PVP DMG Res, otherwise it can be PVP DMG Bonus / All ATK / HP crest
PVP Accessories
For offensive you would want to have the following:
Moon Light’s Qune Earring
The Only Chaos Necklace / The Only Freezing Necklace (you may only need one of them)
Fine Therapy Necklace (optional, you might not need it)
For defensive, you would want to have the following:
Endgame - ‘The Building’
At this point, you start to have nearly all of the items obtainable in the game. Here, you will start conceptualizing to min-max your character. This is a highly customizable part of the game where there is no “correct” build. You have to find out what works for you. However, there are some common denominators among different builds.
Defensive Set Swap
For this set of items, you want to maximize your tankiness. It is common to have a second set of armors. The idea is to have a completely different set of brands. Instead of putting offensive brands like Melee / Ranged / Magic Attack Damage, Strength / Spirit / Dexterity , DK Attack Damage etc., you may also use defensive brands like HP, Health, Magic Resistance, All Res, Cancel Abn Res, DK All Res, and Defeat Resistance. It is based completely on what you want for your own build.
For the accessories, you would normally want to be 75% PVP DMG Res, and 75% Damage Res. Feel free to use any combination in achieving these stats. However, you would still prioritize getting more Melee DMG Resistance and Critical Damage Resistance even when you’re at 75% PVP / 75% DDR already.
Offensive Set Swap
You normally have this set of armors already. Your PVE armors are technically the set you use for offensive in PVP. Attack Damage, Stats, DK Attack Damage, Penetration, Vitality, and other offensive stats are used for this swap.
For the accessories, some would prefer to be glass cannon. They would be maxing out their damage output by using completely offensive accessories. This means that they would take even more damage similar to how they output more damage.
Others prefer a balanced build of increasing just the damage while maintaining a set amount of defensive capabilities.
Multiple Mounts / Pets / Costumes
Also at this stage, you can start experimenting with using different mount, pets and costume crests combinations. You can get Abnormal Resistance from pets, PVP DMG Res from mounts and Pets, while the costumes are completely bonkers as you could get Melee DMG Res, DK All Res, Abnormal Resistance, PVP DMG res, Damage Res, Cancel Abn Res, and Max HP from them. Note that you have to be right on the money. Being over the maximum limit of stats will waste it.
Check out the Competitive Character Building Guide for specifics on how to make your character complete!