The Colosseum Ranking System is a one of a kind, Rising exclusive feature that has been developed from scratch. While we're very proud of how well it works, we strive for perfection and will continue to make improvements each season.
While we encourage constructive feedback, there will be a 0 tolerance policy for abuse or flaming related related to the Colosseum. We kindly encourage everyone to exhibit good sportsmanship and friendly competition. There is no requirement to participate, and thus we ask anyone who is frustrated to simply opt out of the rankings system (feature will be added soon).
Season Schedules
Season schedules are announced shortly after each season ends and one week prior to ending.
There is an "off-season" period when a season ends that does not count toward rankings until the next season starts.
Each season has exclusive prizes and may feature new aspects such as team sizes.
How to View Your Colosseum Ranking Info
The launcher shows some of the rankings data.
The full ranking data can be viewed on the website by clicking Rankings -> Colosseum at the top
When are the rankings updated?
Rankings are updated based on a dynamic interval, usually 15-30 minutes after Colosseum PTM ends (round 10).
SR is calculated using several factors. The most important factor is winning.
Calculation Factors
Average Level + Average SR of the match
Match Count (compared to avg)
Class + Kills/Deaths/Heals
NOTE - Class Modifier
W Some classes naturally have a higher Skill Rating than others. For example, Segnale is more of a support, so naturally Segnale's skill rating would be lower than other classes.
For this reason there is a "class modifier" that affects all characters of the same class equally. Without the class modifier several classes would not appear on the first page of the rankings.
This is one of the reasons Skill Rating may change without winning or losing.
Match Exclusions for Skill-Rating Calculation
In certain cases, a match will not be counted toward SR.
Unequal Teams
Although team sizes may change between seasons the system checks each match for the correct number of players when analyzing match data.
This means that scores will only count if there were no disconnections when initializing the match.
Before match is initialized --> no penalty
Disconnection due to server issues or any detectable bugs --> no penalty
Disconnection after the map has loaded or any interface or icons visible --> penalty with the following exceptions:
A disconnection or crash related to bugs or server errors
New Player / Ungeared / Low Winrate
If a team has a player with a very low winrate, the match will not be counted.
Penalties deduct SR points.
Match # Penalty (low number of matches)
Match # penalty applies when the character has played less than 40% of the average number of matches played by top 50 rankers.
25% - 40% of average matches played: -10%
10% - 25% of average matches played: -15%
< 10% of average matches played: -25%
SR Decay --> not playing at least 2 Colosseum matches within 2 days.
Excessive disconnecting/relogging/crashing.
The system is very resistant to cheating and is constantly improving. However, any attempts to cheat or falsify the rankings data intentionally will result in a ban from all DK channels and further account restrictions. There is no warning.
D-Shop Coins
Top 1 (each class): 3,000 Coins
Top 2 (each class) 2,000 Coins
Top 3-5 (each class) 1,000 Coins
Season Prize - Exclusive Emblem for each Season
Each season will feature a unique emblem specific for it.
Top Rankers will be rewarded with two emblems (a permanent one and a temporary one)
The Champion version highlights the top ranker for the latest season.
Weapon Skin
Colosseum PTM Champion Weapon Skin

Hall of Fame
Winners will be added to the Hall of Fame pages and may be displayed in-game.