Branding is a system that allows you to improve your items by adding extra statuses to it. By mastering your item’s brand, you can further improve your character build.
Most Weapons, Armors, Belts, and Bracelets can be branded.
The brands of an item are displayed on the item stats under the section Brand Options. An item can have a maximum of 4 brands.
Brands are randomly rolled and can vary in stats type and stats value (e.g. Melee attack can be % and flat number). These values can have 3 strengths, reminiscent of options via Carmen. Remember: Magic, Noble, and Divine Noble. These are now commonly referred to as "blue", "white", and "gold".
Blues are generally weak and never wanted. Whites can be 'near-golds' for example, 57 Spirit is White, while 58 Spirit is Gold. Since 1 Spirit is close to zero improvement, you can opt for whites too instead of just going for 4/4 gold brands.
How to Brand
Branding can be done at any blacksmith NPC in Ardeca (Axion, Pablos, Maximus)

Let's go through what happens when you brand an item:
You start with an item with no Brand Options in the UI. Proceed with the branding.
Your item will now have one stat line.
Keep repeating until you get all four lines. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Do not brand again after you have four lines in your items. Your item now looks something like this:
Let's first look at a few things. As you can see, the brand options offer a wide variety of stats. Unlike before, offensive stats usually only go on the gloves. But for the Brand Options, even the offensive stats can be granted on pants, helmet etc.
What happens when you click Brand after your item have four stats? It resets all the stats. So always proceed with caution. Do not overclick. This is the "rerolling" part of the Brand Options. If you are not satisfied with all the stats, you may proceed.
However, if you are satisfied by any one of them, you may opt to Lock the option(s) via clicking the checkbox adjacent to it. Note that this requires the item "Brand Option Lock".
sample lock before / after