Choosing your Class Disclaimer: This guide is mostly opinion-based and it is hard to do this as objective as possible. There's also a huge amount of bias depending on the classes you play with, and against. To do avoid biases, we're going to use categories, and we'll focus on some key factors. I love to be proven wrong. Should you see a class rating here that you do not agree with, and managed to make it be stronger than what the class seems to be, good for you. Maybe some classes that seem 'weak' or 'out of meta' haven't just played correctly yet. After all, this guide is to help new players choose the class that hopefully works for them. Let’s divide the classes in four categories and a special ‘mix’ category and rank them as we see fit. PVE (Mass) - farming in a single party or even in raids (multiple parties) PVE (Solo) - strength / weakness of the class in solo dungeons. PVP (Mass) - basically in battlegrounds like DK Square or Zuto Battlefield where there are easily 25 vs 25 players or even more. PVP (Solo) - strength of a class in head-to-head match ups Here are the factors in deciding for PVE and PVP: Survivability - this can be pure HP recovery, or strength in kiting. Damage - the amount of AOE damage or single target damage is considered. Supporting - this can range from the party buffs you can give, or the actual ‘supporting’ such as healing teammates. Disables (PVP only) - locking down an opponent to kill them is key. This is crucial as a lot of the classes have really good HP recovery. However, it is not applicable to PVE scenarios. PVE (Mass) PVE (Solo) PVP (Mass) PVP (Solo)