Rondow Armors (pics) - Armors - Dekaron Rising - The Ultimate Dekaron Experience
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Rondow Armors
These are currently the strongest armors you can equip in the game. Note that you do not need the Helmet as the MC4 is currently the strongest one. You need the Gloves, Armor, Pants, and the Boots.
They are obtained via crafting and requires a Level 3 Armor Crafting Mastery. Check this link to get started on crafting these: System Crafting
These items count as Theos Grade and can therefore be upgraded as such:
Here are examples of the strongest armor pieces:
Armor pic
For the all resist stat, anything over 580 is deemed good. For the Block stat, anything over 2150 is deemed good.
Pants pic
For the all resist stat, similar to armors, anything over 580. For the Vit lines (Pants), anything over 330 is deemed good. Note that this line is not too useful in the endgame as there are many available candies and buffs that will keep you at max vitality.
Boots pic
For the Critical Damage Res lines (Boots), they must be at least 25%.
Gloves pic
For the Critical Resistance line (Gloves), anything over 10% is deemed okay. Note that you do not need this line for defensive gloves as you will be at max Critical Resistance on your defensive build regardless of your gloves.
For the Mastery lines (Gloves), anything over 2500+ Mastery is deemed good.
Note that elemental classes do not need this stat. For example, classes like Segnale, Seguriper, Black Wizard, etc. do not need these.
This is mostly used by the Physical damage classes like Aloken, Half Bagi, Azure Knight, Segita Hunter, etc.
Note that Incar Magician's Force Master tree requires this stat.
How to get the armors
Like said above, these are mainly available via crafting. These are the required materials:
The helpyron armor pieces can be obtained from the Helpyron Armor Ex-Box which drops from the Karon's Fire Pot dungeon in Mitera.
The other materials can be obtained from the Helion's Materials Box which drops from the Undo Mazokie Dungeon in Space of Pilgrimage.
Note that these are the same for all types of armors. Of course, you will need Helpyron Gloves for a Rondow Gloves, Helpyron Armor for a Rondow Armor, etc.
Crafting takes 6 hours per piece and can be crafted multiple pieces at a time. However, you cannot craft different types at a time.
In other words, you can craft 10 gloves at a time (which will require 60 hours to complete) but not 1 glove and 1 armor at a time.