Optioning (Mavrics) Summary Certain items can have options. If you played any old actions of Dekaron, this is what you call the “Magic / Magic / Noble / Divine Noble” stats. This is exactly the same mechanics in this action. /sample pic Similar to socketing, this is done via the Alchemist NPC - Carmen in Ardeca. A certain amount of dil is spent per try. Depending on the level and current grade of the item, the amount of dil spent increases. / NPC For successes, 1 random line (and of random value) is added to the item. For example, it can be Vitality, DK ATK %, Curse Resistance line etc. And let’s say you got Vitality, it has a range of values anywhere from 29-39 Vitality, etc. /sample pic For failures, anywhere from 0-2 lines can be removed from the item. The last 0-2 lines are the ones removed. The ordering of lines are determined from top to bottom. So, the most recent lines are at the bottom. For example: /picture Trying to get the Divine Noble option and getting a 2-line failure on the item above will result in it having the following options: /picture These are generally available to all Normal / Legendary items. However, in Dekaron Rising, you will be doing this for only the following items: DK Gloves sample pic Boxing Gloves sample pic