Patch 19.1: Cherubim DG, DKSQ Revamp, Reward Improvements, and more!
IMPORTANT: Manual Launcher Update
Please follow directions on launcher/discord or click the red announcement above to update your launcher.
If you see this error, you need to update your launcher.
To update launcher:
Go to game folder and run "launcher" or "launcher.exe". Then start game normally.
If that doesn't work, download and install this manual launcher update to the game folder:
Nest of Cherubim + Title
Level requirement is now 225
Fixed issue that caused the dungeon to get stuck
Updated mechanics of Nest of Cherubim
Cherubim Title is rewarded to the person that deals the final blow to Cherubim boss
Draco Battle + DK Square --> Improvements
Draco Battle
Draco Battle Reward Box --> Improvements
10% HP/MP potions per box increased from 10x --> 15x
Prize Information
DK Square
DK Square --> Major Update
Updated to new version
Fairness + anti-stacking improvements
DK Square Supply Machine
Replaced less desirable rewards with more desirable rewards.
Colosseum PTM Winners Package: Updated from V2 --> V3
Added 10% Potion Randombox
Colosseum PTM Competitive Ranking System (BETA)
We've activated Colosseum rankings as a beta test. They can be found on the launcher and the website. This is just a trial, eventually we will start the first season and announce the rewards.
Colosseum Rankings update every 15 minutes.
Great Devil's Horn--> Updated to new version
Added 10% Critical Damage
This is not a major balance update. That will come later.
With the addition of 10% pots and characters overall being able to tank more damage, we've dialed back a nerf that we did (equally to all classes) on Meister skills. We implemented that nerf a while ago when the server first launched and people were dying in < 5 seconds due to gear.
After this update, all classes will see their Meister skill damage increase after this update.
In total, when we originally nerfed meister skills, we nerfed them by 15% (same % for all classes). We did this at the beginning of the server while everyone got geared and we added missing items.
LAST UPDATE we increased the damage by 8% (so they were will 7% nerfed from original)
THIS UPDATE we are increasing them by 7% (this update + last update = 15% increase)
Meister skills are now back to original damage ratio values for all classes (no longer nerfed)
Total Meister skill damage % increase from this update is 7%, last update 8%, total 15%
Balance is improved since the nerf negatively affected some classes more than others (even though it was the same % for all classes, it hurt classes that relied on high dmg values more)
Improved client performance and stability
AK skill "Infinity Evil" --> Updated to latest animations
We are working on fixing the Twinblade Blossom Skin bug
Teasers / Coming Soon