Server Stability & Events
We apologize for the recent issues with server stability. We are improving our network and should have the problem resolved early this week.
Due to the disconnection errors, there will not be any rewards for the contested Siege castle or any castles that changed ownership.
We may have a mini-Siege this weekend with just one castle.
Compensation Events
3x EXP/3x DROP will be activated for the weekend.
DK Square spin event (higher % gets a spin)
Time Attack event will be extended by a week.
Upcoming Events
Eccle's Tournament (Friday)
Guild War Test 2 (next Saturday)
DK Square Weekly Rankings -> coming soon

Colosseum Party Match [BETA]
Important Information - New Version
While you may have played Colosseum before, our version is slightly modified and improved.
Please read the section "How it works" to learn how the new PTM mode works.
General Info
Each Colosseum event lasts for 1 hour.
Each Colosseum event has 6 rounds.
Waitlist/entry is open for 1 minute before each round.
Colosseum times will be announced shortly after the update. For now, we will be starting them manually to monitor and make sure the new system works well.
Please be advised that this system is considered BETA and adjustments may be made.
Colosseum Rankings will be announced 1-2 weeks later after we see how the system works.
Prizes will also be improved when we finish with the beta.
General Improvements
Randomized teams
All teams are randomized when a match starts (regardless of the order of applying for PTM (joining the queue).
Alt-Detection / Fair-Play Checks
Alternate characters detected by various identifiers will not be allowed to join Colosseum.
Players who afk inside matches, or throw matches, will automatically be banned from the system.
Players that have more than N losses and 0 wins (or extremely low win-rates) will be temporarily unable to join PTM.
How it Works
1) /rising colo
When Colosseum time is about to open, use this command to teleported to the NPC.
You must be on ARK channel.
If it is not close to Colosseum time, you will get a message when the next Colosseum PTM is.
If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be teleported.
2) Wait for Round Start Announcement
Round Start Announcement :
When you see the notice at the top of the screen, you can now join the waitlist.
You can only join the entrance waitlist once per round. The waitlist join is only open for 1 minute.
Match Prizes (after each match)
Win --> 3x PTM Exchange Coin
Lose --> 1x PTM Exchange Coin
PTM Coin Exchange
Future Prizes & Rankings
Future prizes will include skins and other cosmetics, emblems, and more.
General Patch Notes
Zuto Battle --> Minor win requirements change
Previous: A team needs 5 stone captures to win
New: A team needs 4/5 stone captures to win
Colosseum Arena Dungeon (Party)
Entrance minimum PT members changed 3 --> 1