DK Square - Grade EXP Event
Connect Reward: Monster Hunting Challenge
Connect Reward: Mitera Redhole Boss Challenge
Various daily challenges have been added to the Connect Reward system.
Mitera Redhole Boss Challenge:
Mitera Tarik #3 Boss Spawns during Redhole Event and drops up to 7 Mitera Tarik #3 Cards
The cards can be exchanged as follows:
1x Mitera Tarik Card = (1x) New Undo's Lucky Treasure Box
3x Mitera Tarik Card = (5x) New Undo's Lucky Treasure Box

Now also drops Helpyron Flames and New Moon Earrings
Fishing Event
The catch-rate has been improved for the following fish:
Chubby Goldfish
Chubby Gold Frog
Gold Dragon Spirit Shard
Piranha's Bone
Fatty Malakites
Football fish
Muse Lv.230 Challenge! - View Level Rankings
Screenshot Event - Ends March 24th
Take a screenshot with Trie Muse (your character or someone elses in the photo) in game.
Post it in the website gallery here. (one entry) -- include your character name
Best Screenshot
The screenshot voted best will be rewarded with 10,000 coins.
Random Selection - 5 Random Winners
All entries (of quality) will be entered into a random drawing. 2,000 coins each.