***[ Important Announcements ]***:
SR Rankings Season 2 will start on Friday around 15-16:00 server time.
If you join in the middle of DKS, your ranking score will NOT go down.
All members will be locked (in ranking system) to the guild they are in on FRIDAY when the season starts. If a guild wants a character's points to count for that guild, they MUST be in the guild on Friday when season starts.
DKS Rewards will start being mailed NOW.
Siege will be every 2 weeks. .
There will not be Siege this wekeend on Sunday. Instead, there will be Zuto Battle.
A new event will be activated soon on weeks where there is no siege.
Server Stability: We are working on stabilizing the servers after having an influx of players.
ARK MAINTENANCE (in a few days): We are upgrading the hardware of the server that runs the Ark channel. There will be some downtime necessary. We will inform everyone on Discord before it goes down.
There will be another update either at the end of this week or over the weekend.
New DKS Reward: DKS Supply Machine Tickets
How it works
Whenever you do DKS, if you place in the top 30% of players in that match, you will receive a supply machine ticket via mail (5-15 min after the DKS).
Open the supply machine (Ark channel only).
Prizes will be distributed in inventory.
Important Info
Prizes change each day (server time).
Supply machine can only be used once per day.
Sailor Ring Exchange added to Rising Helion
You can now exchange +10 Sailor Ring for the endgame Abyss-Fallen Sailor's Ring.
The Abyss-Fallen Sailor's ring can be upgraded in craft, but we do not recommend it unless you have a backup.
Fishing Improvements 

Increased the chance to catch the following fish:
Chubby Gold FIsh
Chubby Gold Frog
Skate Fish
Football Fish
Increased the chance to get the following items:
Piranha's Bone
Hungry Piranha
Rising World-Event System
We've added a new world event system to give us the ability to automate custom events.
El-Mar Event (V2)
The original El-Mar event was frustrating because there was no set interval that the bosses spawned, and the announcement was only map-wide.
El Mar Event V2 -->
Lesser Leviathan (whale) will spawn every 3-5 hours in the center of El Mar.
An announcement will display on all channels a few seconds before the boss spawns
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug with droprate of Abyss-Fallen-Sailor Ring in Transportship DG
Fixed bug with droprate of Abyss-Fallen-Sailor Ring from Lesser Leviathan in El-Mar

Main Improvements to Season 2:
Draco Battle scores will be excluded from SR rankings
Joining DKSquare after the match has started will NOT negatively affect your score. If you do well, your score will improve.
One match will no longer have an extremely large effect on SR like with season 1
SR scores are now calculated on a per-match basis (rather than every score)
The farther away you are from your true SR, the more points you will get (to reach it faster). This means someone that starts in the middle of the season can catch up.
General Information:
All scores have been reset and everyone starts at 10,000. The first few matches you play will give you higher SR to get your closer to where you should be.
The algorithm has been completely rewritten -- you shouldn't compare a S2 score to S1.
Penalties & Abuse
There will be a 0 tolerance policy for abuse.
Anyone found attempting to cheat the SR system will be
Immediately disqualified for two seasons or permanently based on severity.
HWID & IP Banned from any competitive game mode (DKS, Draco, Zuto, upcoming Colosseum, etc.)
In certain cases, the entire account will be banned.
Guilds will be penalized when one of their members is disqualified for abuse.
If a guild receives too many penalties, the entire guild may be disqualified from the rankings for two seasons.
Top 30% in each DKS match will receive a DKS Supply Machine ticket.
SR PRIZE 1: Character Rewards - Top Class Ranking
Since each class is different, rewards will be distributed by the top ranker of each class at the end of the period.
COINS: 7,000 coins to the first place ranker of each class, 4,000 to second place.
Top 1 of Each Class -> Blue Light Weapon Skin
SR PRIZE 2: Character Rewards - Top 15 SR
This reward will be sent to the top 15 characters ranked.
Top 1 - 10,000 coins
Top 2-3 - 7,500 coins
Top 4-10 - 5,000 coins
Top 10-15 - 2,500 coins
SR PRIZE 3: Guild Rewards - All members
All guild members of the guild that have been members of the guild since the first day of the season will receive the rewards.
Members of the top ranking guild will have a blue name.
How is SR Calculated?
Find this information here.