Class Name: Incar Magician
If you like magicians or witches with amazing skills. and can cause annoyance to others This is your good choice.
Meister Trees
Force Master/Elemental Lord
Force master High defense / High damage / High abn / a lot of block when you hit ( depend on mastery) (need high mastery)
Elemental lord More fun (if you dont like a lot of block from Force)/ More hit / but lower defense and lower abn than force (Enemy can use element resist for reduce your damage)
Both is good for PvP and PvE depend on player want to play
PvE Builds
Items for PvE
Rondow / Hellion Staff
Rondow Armor
Rondow Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Gloves)
Rank options ( Aim for highest ) - Max hp, All ress, Vitality, All attack
Brands ( Yellow type ) - Magic attack / Spr / % Magic attack / % DK attack or (same with pvp build if you dont need waste time for make new)
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -
Red Monkey +10 or Qune earrings + Divine earrings
SPR perpetus + Sublime captain / Abyss Fallen Ring + Devil horn + The only freezing necklace
God of war + Champion bracelets + Gold Dragon or Darkness belt ( Brands same with Armor)
Exp or Element Talisman
Gems -
Gems for Armor Pieces - Health All defense 79, Health Sardonyx 40, Or Exp Gem 40 - 60 %
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - 3-4% All ATK gems for Force mage
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - Firce/Ice/Lighting Stone IV/V for Elemental mage (only Fire/Ice is decent)
Gems for Wings - Jewel Battle 5%
Gems for Weapon - 10% / 11% Spr gems (if possible)
Pet - Unique Porsch + Pet Piz 9% (Magic attack damage )
Costume Crests -
2*11% All ATK (Green) / 2*12% monster damage resist (Blue)/ 23% All ATK or 15% DK ATK (Purple) (depend on there is normal or dk server) and last one is All ATK Orange Crests
Skills for PvE (Important - please type the exact names of the skills like they show in-game in English and or Chinese)
Skill Combos for PvE -
Use skill trans + pyramid (for Damage resists + 30%) + Urzer Gain skill (for Magic Attack and Abn resist)
PvP Builds
Items for PvP
Armor Set 1
Type: Defensive
Rondow Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Rank options ( Aim for highest , Hold Shift key on specific item to see it's max rank options value )
Max hp, All ress, Vitality, Master, Block, Crit damage ress, All attack
Brands ( Yellow type ) - Long range / Dex / % DK attack / % Long range or % Physical Pen ( In this exact order to minimize materials outcome )
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -
White Candy earrings + Aegis earrings
SPR perpetus ( highest abn resist + highest cooldown if possible ) + Sublime captain / Abyss Fallen ring + Devil horn + Gemma Ring
God of war & Champion + Helpyron belt ( 5 or 6 % melee / ranged resist ) if possible
Gems for Armor Pieces - Health All defense 79, Health Sardonyx 40, Health critical ress stone 7%, Magic peneteration 0.5 / 0.6 %
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - any Stone IV/V (depend on enemy) for example use Fire Stone IV/V for lighting resist when you fight shooter
Gems for Wings - Jewel MP / Jewel Speed
Gems for Weapon - 10/11% spr magic gems
Atma + Cancel gem 8% ( Abn resist 8%)
Purified Dauto+ Cancel gem 8%
Dracorich + Cancel gem 8%
Costume Crests
2* Max MP % (Green)/ 2* Melee Resist (Blue)/4% Cancel abn resist (Purple)/16% Pvp damage resist (Orange) when you need fight with melee class
2* Max MP % (Green)/ 2* DK ALL Resist (Blue)/4% Cancel abn resist (Purple)/16% Pvp damage resist (Orange) when you need max resist
2* Max MP % (Green)/ 1*DK ALLresist,1*Melee Resist (Blue)/4% Cancel abn resist (Purple)/16% Pvp damage resist (Orange) best way when you play team
2* Max MP % (Green)/ 1*abn resist + Melee or DK all resist (Blue)/4% Cancel abn resist (Purple)/16% Pvp damage resist (Orange) depend on enemy if you need high abn
Change only Blue crests (depend on enemy)
Set 2
Type: Offensive
Rondow Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Rank options ( Aim for highest , Hold Shift key on specific item to see it's max rank options value )
Max hp, All ress, Vitality, Master, Block, Crit damage ress, All attack
Brands ( Yellow type ) - Max Mp /Max Hp / Spr / All res or 0.3 Cancel abn
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -- Exact item names
Moonlight earring + Devine earrings
SPR perpetus ( highest Abn + highest master stat if possible ) + Sublime captain / Abyss Fallen + Devil horn + The Only Chaotic
Awakend Juto Belt ( highest Spr + Magic / fire / ice attack) 2* Juto Bracelet (Magic or Fice / Ice element )
Gems for Armor Pieces - Health All defense 79, Health Sardonyx 40, Health critical ress stone 7%, Magic peneteration 0.5 / 0.6 %
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - Fire/Ice Stone IV/V if you play Elemental mage
Gems for Belt/Bracelet - All Atk 4% (God of war gems) if you play Force mage
Gems for Wings - Jewel piercing 1.5%
Gems for Weapon - 10-11% Magic SPR gems
Costume Crests -
2* 11% ALL ATK (Green)/ 2* PVP RESIST 9% (Blue)/15% DK ALL ATK (Purple)/19% PVP DAMAGE BONUS (Orange)
Skills for PvP (Important - please type the exact names of the skills like they show in-game in English and or Chinese)
Skill Combos for PvP -
Skills Combo use Stasis Orb > Levita >Earth Eruption > Gravity Ruin >Bellocia Glim Boom
tips use pyramid and spam frog + 20% potion everytime when u get hit (Mage use mp instead hp when you get hit on pyramid skill)
tips half swap for highest cancel abn and use cc skill for debuff/catch then full swap for attack
Attributes for PvP
Cancel condition resistance - 15
Magic attack - 15
Magic pen - 15
Crit damage resistance - remaining points