Class Name: Segeuripper
Meister Trees
Infelicitas - Magic-based Meister (Best in PvP and can be also used in PvE) / The Destiny - Physical-based Meister (Best in PvE)
This guide will focus on Infelicitas Meister.
PvE Builds
Items for PvE
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Should aim for these brands - Magic Attack Damage, SPR, 2% Magic or 2% DK, any brand will do.
Weapon - 4x10% Curse Gems
Armor (Health All Defence) - 4x73/79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Physical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Physical Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 6/7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 30/40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
Earrings: Red Monkey Earrings +10+ Divine earring
Devil Horn, Abyss Necklace, SPR Perp, Freezing Necklace
God of War bracelet (Curse Gems), Colosseum Champion Bracelet (Poison Gem) and Gold Dragon Scale Belt or Darkness Belt (Poison Gem)
Aquanic Emblem
Skills for PvE
Skill Combos for PvE
Tip: Always use Healing Tigen Storm (+15% Damage Reduction) and Healing Moss (+15% HP Recovery)
Discarlo (+50% Magical Damage) -> Curse Cloud -> Opunrazy -> Dopios -> Curse Circle -> Curse Field -> Repeat. You do not need anything else because to overthink because Segu is one of the best if not the best character for PvE.
PvP Builds
Items for PvP
Armor Set #1
Type: Offense
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Weapon - Curse Stat Gem 10-11% NOTE: Aim for 4.7k Destroy weapon, if you have budget get a 6k+ All Attack & 4.7k Destroy one.
Armor (Health All Defence) - 79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Magical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Magic Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
The perfect brand for offensive set are: 780+ Magic Attack Damage - 60+ Spirit - 0.3 Magic Penetration - 2% DK Attack Damage
Armor Set #1
Type: Defense
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Weapon - Same scythe that you are using for offensive, but if you're already used to playing Segu, time to level up. You can use the weapon down below:
As you can see, I am using 4x1% Cancel Abn Res. With this set-up, you are aiming to land your Redu Condition debuff and Sleep.
Armor (Health All Defence) - 79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Magical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Magic Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
The perfect brand for defensive set are: 2000+ Max HP - 60+ Health - 2% Max HP are the most important brands, the 4th one can be a filler.
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -- Exact item names
Offensive set-up:
Earrings: Moonlight Qune + Divine Moon Earring
SPR Infinite Perpetuus (Get a high abn and at least 7% cooldown one for max CD Reduction), The Only Chaos Necklace, Sublime Captain's Earring, Great Devil's Horn
2x Zuto or Juto Bracelets, Juto Belt. (You can look for a pure curse option or curse + pvp% damage bonus. It's up to you)
Brands: Magic Attack Damage - Spirit - 0.3 Physical Penetration - 2% DK Attack Damage
Aquanic Emblem
Defensive set-up:
Earrings: White Candy Earring, Aegis Moon Star Earring, lvl 230 talisman
SPR Infinite Perpetuus (Preferrably you use the same perp as what you're wearing on the offensive set-up), Ring of Hard Gemma, Sublime Captain's Earring, Great Devil's Horn
God of War and Colo Bracelet (Get 4-5 pairs with different element resistances) and Helpyron Belt (6% Melee Tolerance)
Snowflake Emblem if you want to get more Abnormal Resistance or just stick with Aquanic Emblem. NOTE: You tank a bit more with Aquanic
Brands: 1800+ Max HP - 55+ Health - 2% Max HP - Filler brands
Atma Pet + 5% PvP Damage Bonus = I run this whenever I have an Aloken in my team.
Unique Black Dragon + 8% Abnormal Resistance = Cheaper than burning Dauto but could still work.
Burning Dauto Pet + 8% Abnormal Resistance = My usual set-up
Costume Crests
against MELEE characters.
general costume. I use this usually in DKSQ or in PTM where I'm against a melee and a magic class.
Skills for PvP (Important - please type the exact names of the skills like they show in-game in English and or Chinese)
Skill Combos for PvP
Tip: Put HEALING MOSS in your most-clicked/pressed number. Use this skill even when you still have shield left or you're still full HP. SPAM THIS SKILL
Spam ENVOY OTHER SELF too. Gives +8% Abnormal Resistance
Combo: Redu Condition -> Sleep -> Redu Curse -> Diskalo -> Curse Cloud -> Envoy Prison -> Opunrazy -> Arecio Pillage -> Dopios -> Curse Circle
Combo #2 - Redu Condition -> Arecio Pillage -> Sleep -> Bloody Mist -> Diskalo -> Curse Gyotin -> Curse Cloud -> Opunrazy -> Dopios -> Curse Circle (I use this against CS/VS since good players can counter sleep)
Attributes for PvP
MAX Cancel Abnormal Condition Resistance (Lv15)
MAX Critical Hit Damage Resistance (Lv13)
MAX Magic Penetration (Lv13)
GET ENOUGH Vitality or Destroy. You can compute this by checking yourself. Make sure you are using CANDIES and on ATTACK SET-UP when checking
NOTE: 50% is the max for both Destroy and Vitality.