Class Name: Alokes
Alokes is a new character released this year. It is still under revision, and like Muse, it might be buffed in the future. For now, I'll share my experiences on how I enjoyed the class.
Meister Trees
Speva & Reva
Speva's weapon type is Rapier and its skills are more on melee ones. Reva's weapon type is Sword and its skills are mostly ranged.
Speva excels in PvP while Reva's the best for PvE.
PvE Builds
Items for PvE
Sword (Ranged type)
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Should aim for gold brands if possible.
Ranged Attack Damage, 2% Ranged Attack Damage, Max HP, Heal (Hybrid build for PvE)
Weapon - any element 10-11% Rondow/Helion Weapon will do. If you aren't able to get one, you can also use Zuto but know that there will be at least 300-500k damage difference on mobs.
Armor (Health All Defence) - 4x73/79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Physical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Physical Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 6/7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 30/40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -- Exact item names
Earrings: Red Monkey Earrings +10 or Moonlight Qune + Divine earring
Devil Horn, Abyss or Noble Captain's Earring, STR Perpetuus, The Only Freezing Necklace
God of War bracelet (Any element), Colosseum Champion Bracelet (Any element) and Gold Dragon Scale Belt (Can get this for free when you make a character.)
Skills for PvE (Important - please type the exact names of the skills like they show in-game in English and or Chinese)
Skill Combos for PvE
Tip: Use these skills first: Trans-up ► Exparma (Gives 250 Vitality so do this first then you can skip it for 3 minutes)
Combo: Ireline (Gives +45% Atk Dmg Boost) ► Guilade ► Hemp ► Lim Draw ► Luistier ► Tenus ► Venice Pearl - Entivus
PvP Builds
Items for PvP
Raper (Speva skill tree)
Armor Set #1
Type: Offense
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Weapon - any element 10-11% stat gem (10%/11% Element, 100 STR, 50 Heal) Zuto Weapon
Armor (Health All Defence) - 4x73/79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Physical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Physical Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 6/7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 30/40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
Try to get every part of your offensive set have these brands:
Armor Set #1
Type: Defense
Armor Pieces (Helmet/Armor/Boots/Pants/Glove)
Weapon - Same weapon in your offensive set-up.
Armor (Health All Defence) - 4x73/79 All Res + 2500 Max HP
Gloves (Physical Penetration Stone) - 0.5/0.6% Physical Penetration
Pants (Health Critical Res Stone) - 6/7% Critical Damage Resistance + 2500 Max HP
Helmet (Sardonyx) - 30/40 Vitalty + 2500 Max Health
Try to get every part of your defensive set have these brands:
Accessories/Emblems/Talismans -- Exact item names
Offensive set-up:
Earrings: Moonlight Qune + Divine Moon Earring
STR Infinite Perpetuus (Get one with the highest mastery stats), The Only Chaos Necklace, Noble Captain's Earring, Great Devil's Horn
2x Juto Bracelets, Juto Belt
Brands: Same as the ones that were mentioned in offensive set-up.
Defensive set-up:
Earrings: White Candy Earring, Aegis Moon Star Earring, Lv230 Talisman (you can get it from Karin NPC when you reached Lv230)
STR Infinite Perpetuus (Get high abnormal % and preferable 5-7% Cooldown up), Ring of Hard Gemma, Noble Captain's Earring, Great Devil's Horn
God of War and Colosseum Champion Bracelet (Get multiple resistance for element-based characters) and Helpyron Belt (get at least 5-6% melee tolerance)
Brands: Same as the ones that were mentioned in defensive set-up.
Atma Pet + 5% PvP Damage Bonus = Pure Damage Set-up
Unique Black Dragon + 8% Abnormal Resistance = Tank build set-up
Atma Pet + 8% Abnormal Resistance = Hybrid set-up (I use this one)
You might think why would I use 8% Abnormal Resistance when Alokes have an Aqua buff. Unlike Aloken, it only gives 25% which is totally nothing unless you stack more abn to make it work. Who knows in the future if it will get buffed to 50% or 80% just like Aloken, Bagi and Half Bagi's abnormal resistance buff.
Costume Crests
Offense Set
2x11% All Attack (Green), 2x9% PvP Tolerance (Blue), 15% DK Atk Damage (Purple), 19% PvP Damage Bonus (Orange)
Defense Set
2x23% Max HP (Green), 2x14% Melee Damage Resistance (Blue), 4.0% Cancel Abn Res (Purple), 16% PvP Damage Tolerance (Orange)
Defense Set
2x23% Max HP (Green), 1x14% Melee Damage Resistance, 1x19% DK All Resistance (Blue), 4.0% Cancel Abn Res (Purple), 16% PvP Damage Tolerance (Orange)
Skills for PvP (Important - please type the exact names of the skills like they show in-game in English and or Chinese)
Skill Combos for PvP
Tip: Remember to use Exparma (use any sword type weapon and buff it) for 250 Vitality buff that lasts 3 minutes. Trans-up and use Ireline for 45% All Atk Boost
Use Hemor for a chance to cause bleeding (-hp% drain) to enemy ► Aqua Remover (+25% Abnormal Resistance when procced) ► Lane Force increases 30% PvP Tolerance
Combo 1: Greek (Debuff) ► Graminus (Stun)► Fishon (Bleed) ► Shurinta (Silence) ► Arc Terry ► Yen ► Ireline (This skill can be casted in long-ranged)
In this combo, assuming that it all lands and the RNG favors you, you can deal a lot of damage and debuffs.
Combo 2: Lauta ► Shurinta ► Graminus (Get near the enemy as much as possible for more hits) ► Hemor ► Fishon ► Starier ► Ireline ► Greek ► Arc Terry ► Yen
This combo is less-reliant on the Greek debuff, assuming you're fighting a class with high abnormal resistance
Attributes for PvP (Assummng you're already Lv246/247)
Cancel Abnormal Condition Resistance Lv15 - Gives 0.3% Cancel Abn per level
Critical Hit Damage Resistance Lv13 - Gives 1% Critical Damage Resistance per level
Physical Penetration Lv12/13 - Gives 0.2% Physical Pen per level
Destruction / Vitality / Attack are optional. Assuming you already maximize your Vitality and Destruction on offensive set-up, then you can put everything on Attack. If you don't make sure you maximize them first.