We're extremely excited to share with you Rising A31: a completely new experience with almost every mechanic working as it should.
What is open beta?
Open beta just means that we will be rapidly updating the server with content fixes and bug fixes. It does not mean that characters will be wiped after open beta. We've done our best (through closed beta testing) to make sure that there are (hopefully) no major bugs. However, there is still a lot to do and we will need to be applying updates rapidly to fix bugs and make improvements. We will do our best to not interrupt your play-experience too much, but there is a chance that some downtime may be needed if we find something that needs to be fixed.
Account Registration
Game accounts are the same as web accounts now. After you create an account, you must validate your email in order to be able to log in. We recommend using the same email you did on Rising, but it's not required.
What will happen to Rising A9?
Nothing! We understand that some players may not enjoy the upgraded files. Rising A31 is also significantly different from A9 -- and may change rapidly or incur downtime due to beta. Rising A9 will continue running and nothing will be deleted. Those that prefer the A9 play-style can continue to play A9 and those that want to try out A31 can play A31. You can even play both, or play A9 if A31 is down for maintenance.
https://dekaron-rising.com -> website for Rising A31
https://dekaronrising.com -> website for Rising A9
Will items transfer from Rising A9 -> Rising A31?
While we understand the desire to transfer items from A9, we've decided against it for a couple of different reasons. First, the A31 files are extremely different, and the items transferred wouldn't be very helpful -- especially since things may change during beta. Secondly, we have a lot of new players joining, and we didn't want to put them at such a severe disadvantage.
Instead, we've prepared a level-jumping event along with a jumping package that includes the second to end-game set, a bunch of D-Shop items, 500% Exp amulet, costumes, holy water, weapon boxes, and more. All jump characters will start at level 180 instantly.
Donation Transfers
All donations made in the past 45 days on Rising A9 will be transferable to Rising A31. The way it will work is simple: if you donated on Rising, you will be credited the amount of the donation on A31 (and you can keep the coins you got on A9). Please create a support ticket and make sure to log in with the same email as used on Rising. Please also include the invoice ID.
100% Fairness - No [GM] Team
We're doing something new with Rising A31. For the time being there will not be a GM team. This removes the possibility for any sort of abuse or unfair advantage. All events will be held using a tool we've created and all commands that will be enabled will be logged.
Why Rising A31? A new experience: No P2W, No RNG
We've made everything that gives a competitive advantage available outside of the D-Shop and removed a large part of the RNG content. Basic Transcendance Costumes, for example, give the same stats as Transcendance costumes and are available outside of the D-Shop at Rising Helion NPC.
Future Updates, Siege, and Zuto Battlefield
We have a lot of updates planned but we'll primarily be focusing on bug fixes for a while. We have disabled some content (such as mounts, pet upgrading, emblems) until we've revamped them.
Siege will be announced a few weeks after open beta along with Zuto Battlefield. Zuto Battlefield is a new system (similar to capture the flag) and supports 100 v 100 players at a time. We can't give a date yet, but we are going to monitor progression and announce these features in 2-4 weeks.