Siege Review
Although the Siege changes were not what we were hoping for, we were able to learn a lot of valuable information.
Next Siege *IMPORTANT*
I'd like to invite every guild that is interested in participating in Siege to select 1-2 people to speak for them in regards to the next Siege.
Ideally, we'd like to come up with a plan that everyone agrees to (as impossible as it sounds).
If we can't come up with a plan that everyone agrees to, I will do my best to accommodate everyone's concerns.
Please the 1-2 speakers Wednesday (Oct 11th) and send them via Discord.
Our goal, as with everything, is to create the ultimate Dekaron experience. Personally, I think trying something new as long as its fair and announced with enough time to prepare could make things more fun. That said, I don't want any guild to feel disadvantaged or that any changes are unfairly targeted.
Information on the next Siege will be posted next Sunday, at least 7 days before Siege.
Important Information
Before Siege, we did not release any information beyond what was in the original Siege Battle information post with the changes. This was to keep it fair for all guilds and for the sake of data collection (which would have been impacted if this information was disclosed).
Siege Castles - Prizes and Rewards
I want to make something clear about Siege and prizes for it. Since Siege has been implemented, prizes for it have always been for the time until the next Siege. It's like that now and it's how it has always been. Winning Siege only guarantees prizes until the next fight.
The amount of time a castle has been held is irrelevant. If we make changes (for whatever the reason), it will be after the two weeks and after the prizes have been collected -- and we will do our best to make the changes fair for everyone participating.
OMG, was this a test?
Yes and no. We didn't call it a test because no one would take it seriously (as we saw in the past) if it was a test. So it was a real Siege, with real prizes.
Additional Prizes
Prizes for Previous Siege Test:
We promised prizes for a previous Siege test a few weeks ago. Those will be sent today.
Prizes for last Siege:
To thank everyone for the time they spent during the last Siege and apologize for the changes, prizes will be sent either today or tomorrow.
Previous Siege Changes - Specifics
Crystal HP
Total HP Amount
The Crystal HP was increased by the same amount for each castle.
HP Recovery
The HP recovery added to crystals was not the same for each castle. We needed to test different HP recovery values.
+25 - Blue Crystal
+50 - Red
+100 - Yellow
What Went Wrong?
HP Recovery
The HP recovery values that we added to the crystals was too high. This caused 2/3 of the crystals to be impossible to capture, and 1/3 to be near impossible.
Preparation Time
In hindsight, announcing the changes 72 hours before Siege was not a good idea. This made it hard for guilds to prepare and caused a lot of scrambling.
Why this was valuable
We're working on the creation of new large-scale guild systems, including one that has multiple crystals.
Custom features that have to handle hundreds of players are not easy to develop. An example of this was the Colosseum SR system, which had to be quickly improved after the number of players participating in Season 2 turned out to be much higher than the previous season and the system started to have trouble teleporting everyone because it had to handle so many people at once.
Doing this test helped us with the following mechanics we are working on:
Closing/Opening Siege Maps based on variables (this is more for new features than current Siege)
Tracking the movement and damage of hundreds of players at the same time
Tracking the movement and damage of hundreds of players on a single entity (crystal) at the same time
Figuring out the correct values (such as HP and HP recovery) for new systems
Tracking the movement both in maps and between maps