Patch 19.6: Perpetus, GP/Guild, Balance, 中文翻译改进
This is a mini-patch. The patch notes from yesterday's normal patch is here.
Mini-Patch 19.6
Guild Changes
Improved the amount of grade points earned per character level.
Decreased amount of grade points needed to level up guild to Lv. 15.
Perpetus Attainability Improvements
Increased drop rate for Dragon Tongue on the following Sacred Claw bosses:
Foreman King Digger --> High
Lab Chief Verdia --> Very high
Conjuror Edward --> Very high
The previous balance patch (in patch 19.5) updated all skills to the latest version. In this patch we are updating the base stats of some classes to the latest version. Not all classes had a chance in base stats.
Incar Magician
Magic Damage ratio per SPR point increased
Magic Resist ratio per level increased
Guard rate increased
MP per SPR point
Magic Damage ratio per level increased
Magic Damage ratio per SPR point increased
Concerra Summoner
Magic Damage ratio per level increased
Melee Damage ratio per level increased
Trie Muse
Base Stats
Magic resist per level increased
MP per SPR point increased
Overall magic damage rate increased
AOE debuff skill (Crash ___) duration increased: 2.0 seconds -> 2.8 seconds
Separatum is now a small AOE.
Changed first day of daily attendance reward + added new abuse detection system
Fixed some issues with guild server
Fixed small bug with skill window UI
Chinese Translation Improvements
添加了缺失的 NPC 翻译(Rising Helion NPC、各种任务 NPC)
添加了缺失的商店/代理 UI 翻译