Patch 107: Lost Horizon, PvE Weapons, New Pets, and more! | 消失的地平线、PvE 武器、新宠物等等!
Please note: There may be another server restart later this weekend for another exciting update that we have been working on. PS: Get ready for Alokes!
Reminder: Eccle Tournament is on Friday!
(New PvE Mode)

Lost Horizon is an exciting new PvE mode that involves two parties of 7. The objective is to kill monsters as fast as possible and strategically kill stones to gain multipliers and advantages against the other team. Both teams will be rewarded a high amount of EXP and the winning team will get additional items.
Developer Comments:
This is the first version of Lost Horizon. We will be improving it further with more features and rewards in the near future.
Ranking System --> We will display Lost Horizon PVE Rankings on the website soon. How the rankings work and the prizes will be announced later.

Ardeca -> Lost Horizon NPC
Times - All times in server timezone (Universal Time UTC)
Open Times
4:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 10:00
16:00 - 17:00
21:00 - 22:00
Countdowns will be added to launcher and announcement system soon.
Level 230+
7-member party
No alts or dual logging
This means one connection per person/HWID
Abuse will lead to disconnections and permanent account bans
Both parties
High EXP 4B-7B (7,000,000,000 EXP per mob)
Losing Team 1 ~ 5 of the following:
700% EXP Scrolls
Purified Essence
Supply Gem [Scrolls]
Gear Wheel
Winning Team: 10 ~ 30 of the following:
700% EXP Scrolls
Purified Essence
Supply Gem [Scrolls]
Gear Wheel
New Pets

Mitera --> Lunar Dragon boss drop
Lunar Dragon (Top Left Mitera) Event - 30% Chance to drop socket black or blue dragon pet
El-Mar Drop Update --> Rondow Weapons
Lesser Leviathan (El-Mar Boss)
Lesser Leviathan (whale) will spawn every 3-5 hours in the center of El Mar.
Rondow Weapons Chest
Lesser Leviathan now has a 50% chance to drop one Rondow Weapon chest.
All El-Mar monsters have a small chance to drop a Rondow Weapon chest..
Rondow Weapons

REMINDER: Rondow Weapons are only for PvE. The best PvP weapons will continue to be Infused Zuto.
Rondow Weapons now drop from El-Mar boss (Lesser Leviathan).
Rondow Weapon rank options have been corrected.
EXP Improvements / Drop Improvements
Tower of Magic
Beginning monster EXP increased from ~40M to 1.5B (1,500,000,000)
Top Golem (mini boss monsters) exp increased to 7B (7,000,000,000)
Mitera Terror
Increased drop rate of Burning Dauto pet
Additional Info: Burning Dauto pet drop rate was way too rare compared to the Purified Dauto pet.
EXP Gems Randombox
Added to D-Shop
40% EXP Socket gem --> Small chance to drop from Lunar Dragon
Colosseum Rankings - Season 6 & Season 5
Please see the separate news post
Bug Fixes & Server Improvements
Fixed an issue with El-Mar monsters not attacking
Fixed some costume bugs
Fixed some skill casting animations
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused skills to not cast correctly because they were using A31 casting system
Fixed an issue that caused some disconnections