[Update] Balance, Awakened Zuto, Season 3 Rankings, Tournaments, and more.
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Colosseum Season 3 - Starting Tomorrow
How to View Your Colosseum Ranking Info
The launcher shows some of the rankings data.
The full ranking data can be viewed on the website by clicking Rankings -> Colosseum at the top
When are the rankings updated?
Rankings are updated based on a dynamic interval, usually 15-30 minutes after Colosseum PTM ends (round 10).
SR is calculated using several factors. The most important factor is winning.
Calculation Factors
Average Level + Average SR of the match
Match Count (compared to avg)
Class + Kills/Deaths/Heals
Match Exclusions
In certain cases, a match will not be counted toward SR.
Unequal Teams (not 3v3)
Disconnect or game crash BEFORE map loads
NOTE: Closing the client or DCing after the map has loaded will result in SR LOSS.
New Player / Ungeared / Low Winrate
If a team has a player with a very low winrate, the match will not be counted.
Penalties deduct SR points.
Low match count --> dynamic: compared to avg # of matches of all ranked players
SR Decay --> not playing at least 2 Colosseum matches within 2 days.
Excessive disconnecting/relogging/crashing.
Top 1 (each class): 5,000 Coins
Top 2 (each class) 2,500 Coins
Top 3-5 (each class) 1,000 Coins
Special weapon skin
Champion Emblem
Season 3 Emblem

Balance: Statistics from Colosseum Season 2

Balance: Change-log
Part 1: Overall
Overall Improvements --> Skill system updated to latest version
Damage algorithm updated to latest version
Buff/debuff groups improved
Stun mechanic improved
Rollback issue improved
Dash/movement skills improved
Less issues with slower connections
Less interrupts
Character Balance
Trie Muse
Overall magic damage increased
Overall magic damage per SPR increased
Meister damage increased
Incar Magician
Overall magic damage increased
Overall magic damage per SPR increased
Summoner Pets
HP slightly decreased (still higher compared to baseline prior to increases)
Minor HP regeneration added
Bagi Warrior
Meister skill damage slightly increased
Part 2: Skill Balance