The contents patch was split due to this update being too large. There will be another update with more content and notes in the next few days
Rising Optimizer
Our goal is to create the ultimate Dekaron experience for our players. We have developed a new program to help us improve client stability and performance. Going forward we will continue to optimize both the game client and our cloud infrastructure.
NEW: Rising Optimize - Crash Reporter & Optimizer
Whenever the client crashes abruptly a newly developed crash reporter will appear.
The client log + crash time + crash code will be automatically sent to us for investigation.
The crash reporter will ask for some information (optional).
The more information you provide, the more we can investigate and make improvements
For this reason, coins will be randomly rewarded to helpful crash reports.
Repair + Optimize
The crash reporter will attempt to fix your client when possible
The crash reporter will provide recommendations to optimize the game
Colosseum Rankings Season 2
Please see separate post:
New PvE World Event - Braiken Defense
Details will be announced soon.
To enter, type: /rising event when event announcement is made.
Frontier Medals
and more.
Party PvP Betting
Bet limit increased to 1B (1,000,000,000) per participant
Each participant can be up to 1B dil. The prize money is then distributed to the winners.
If someone in the party does not have enough DIL, a message in the chat window will appear.
There is 10% - 40% tax on the bet depending on how many participants there are.
This is not something we wanted to have but it seems built into the system.
1v1 = 40% prize money tax
2v2 = 20% prize money tax
Redhole Event (Mitera) --> Drop Improvements
Mitera Tarik #3
Added 80% chance to drop 10% gems select-box
Added 20% chance to drop 11% gems random-box

Rank Refresh
Ranks stats updated to the latest version.
DK Square / Draco Battle / Zuto Battle
Decreased "activity threshold" (the amount of participation necessary to receive a reward)
This means you are more likely to get a reward in DK Square if you join late. However, if you still join too late you will not receive a reward.
Draco Battle
New times added:
Every day:
10:00 UTC
18:00 UTC <-- NEW
22:00 UTC
Zuto Battle
Stone capture time increased 15 seconds -> 20 seconds
Summoner invisibility will be dispelled when capturing stones
This will be added this week with a hot-update (no server restarts).
Item/Drop Improvements
Item Improvements
10% MP potions are now trade-able. HP potions are not affected.
Anima's Secret Remedy buff added to ABCD buffs (A Box)
-100% MP usage for 1 minute
Best Green Crest Randombox Addition
Max MP 23% added to box (D-Shop + Rising Helion)
New PvE Crest Box added:
75% EXP - Green Crest
90% EXP - Green Crest
12% Monster Tolerance - Blue Crest
23% All Attack - Purple Crest
27% All Attack - Orange Crest
Drop Improvements
Shield/Guardarm gem drops re-added to Shangri-La bosses (All Defense, Block Bijou, Guard Bijou).
New Costume Appearances Added
Huge thanks to our designer @Flourished for making these designs. ❤️

Bug Fixes + Optimizations
Bug Fixes
Skill Animation Fixes
Concerra "Canine" skill
Dragon Knight Chircon and Spirit of Harsh skills
AK Spout Anger
Improved Performance overall
Memory usage
Loading speed
Additional map-specific performance improvements:
Colosseum Lobby
Draco Battle
Siege maps
Several skills optimized for better performance
Mount Abuse & Fair Gameplay
Fairness is one of our highest priorities on Rising.
Although we have stated multiple times that mount upgrading / stat system will be revamped, it has come to our attention that a feature we overlooked was abused. Although we removed the option to get the breakable mounts from Ardeca's stablekeeper, we did not do so for the stablekeeper in Loa/Braiken.
What was abused & How?
The Stablekeeper in Ardeca allowed you to purchase a basic mount box.
People purchased the mount box, made alts to do it again, then disassembled the mounts for Swift Crystals.
Swift Crystals were used to upgrade the mount stats from level 0 to level 10.
What was the unfair advantage?
People who leveled their mount option from 0 to 10 received a minor unfair advantage.
What about Gear Wheel? Will my option be removed?
NO. Gear Wheel obtained from the daily quest was legitamate. We may add other ways to get gear wheel.
Options rolled from Gear Wheel will not be removed (just reset back to level 0).
What steps were taken to correct this?
All mount options that were over level 0 have been set to 0. The rolled option is not affected.
How do we upgrade mount stats now?
Mounts will be revamped in the next update. For now, there is no way, but it is fair for everyone.