This update was split because there is a lot of content. The next patch will be in a few days with the rest.
Since there is a lot of content we kindly ask that you read the patch notes.
Translation feature added to the right of this post. -->
这篇文章的右侧添加了翻译功能。的右側添加了 -->
這篇文章的右側添加了翻譯功能。的右側添加了 -->

[BETA] Colosseum Rankings - SEASON 1
The Colosseum Ranking System is a one of a kind, Rising exclusive feature that has been developed from scratch. While we're very proud of how well it works, we strive for perfection and will continue to make improvements each season.
While we encourage constructive feedback, there will be a 0 tolerance policy for abuse or flaming related related to the Colosseum. The ranking system is in BETA, and it is not the only priority we have to focus on. We are working on several major updates and the Colosseum is just one thing of many to come.
There is no requirement to participate, and thus we ask anyone who is frustrated to simply opt out of the rankings system (feature will be added soon). Opt out if you tilt to avoid risking a competitive ban or a full account ban. This is the only warning.
[Season Schedule]
August 12 -> August 28
Rankings will be frozen on August 22nd at 11:59PM server time.
Future Seasons:
Future seasons will be two weeks long starting on the 1st and 14th of each month. More info will be posted when season 2 starts.
How to View Your Colosseum Ranking Info
The launcher shows some of the rankings data.
The full ranking data can be viewed on the website by clicking Rankings -> Colosseum at the top
When are the rankings updated?
Rankings are updated based on a dynamic interval, usually 15-30 minutes after Colosseum PTM ends (round 10).
SR is calculated using several factors. The most important factor is winning.
Calculation Factors
Average Level + Average SR of the match
Match Count (compared to avg)
Class + Kills/Deaths/Heals
Match Exclusions
In certain cases, a match will not be counted toward SR.
Unequal Teams (not 3v3)
Disconnect or game crash BEFORE map loads
NOTE: Closing the client or DCing after the map has loaded will result in SR LOSS.
New Player / Ungeared / Low Winrate
If a team has a player with a very low winrate, the match will not be counted.
Penalties deduct SR points.
Low match count --> dynamic: compared to avg # of matches of all ranked players
SR Decay --> not playing at least 2 Colosseum matches within 2 days.
Excessive disconnecting/relogging/crashing.
Top 1 (each class): 3,000 Coins
Top 2 (each class) 2,000 Coins
Top 3-5 (each class) 1,000 Coins
Exclusive Emblem: Colosseum Best of Class Top 1 Emblem
[NEW SKIN] White Infused Skin

White Infused Weapon Skin
Drops from Ghost boss event (see below)
Ghost Event drop: 30 day version
Added to D-Shop
Credits to our GFX designer Baripper for the spectacular design.
[Ghost Hunt] Limited Edition Event
STARTING August 8th or 9th (will announce on Discord)

Mysterious screams have been heard around the world of Trieste. The Segnale Elders believe it could be what everyone else has discounted as only a myth. The elders believe that the intense bloodshed caused by crafting the Infused Zuto weapons with dark magic may have awakened the screaming witch.
的里雅斯特世界各地都传来神秘的尖叫声。 塞尼亚莱长老们相信,这可能只是其他人所认为的神话。 长老们相信,用黑魔法制作注入祖托武器所造成的激烈流血可能唤醒了尖叫女巫。
We recommend playing with sound so you have a higher chance to find the event monsters.
Event Information | 活动信息
Spawns --> Random Location in Map | 生成 --> 地图中的随机位置
Due to the echoing of their screams, the Rising Guard cannot pinpoint the exact location of the ghosts. However, an announcement will be made with the map that the ghosts will spawn in.
Ghosts will spawn once, randomly, in a map when the announcement is made.
Drops -->
Ghost Bounty Boxes
[NEW SKIN] White Infused Skin
White Ghost has a 10-30% chance to drop a 30-Day White Infused skin.
DK Square + Draco Battle Improvements
DK Square
Increased the health of the two protection stones in the middle
Improved team balancing
Draco Battle
Increased the health of all four team stones
Decreased the amount of points required for level 7 achievement
Increased rewards
New Grade Ranks
8 new ranks added
Grade Division
Level limit
Knight of Honor
Senior Knight of Guardian
Knight of Honor
Elite Knight of Guardian
Honorary Knight Commander
Leader of new knights
Honorary Knight Commander
Knight leader
Honorary Knight Commander
Senior Knight Commander
Honorary Knight Commander
Leader of elite knights
Honorary Commander
New commander
Honorary Commander
Honorary Commander
Senior commander
Honorary Commander
Elite commander
Rank Revision
Existing rank stats have been improved as well.
General Improvements
This is not a full or major balance patch. We are just applying a small change out of necessity. The full balance update will be coming in one of the next patches.
Incar Magician
Fixed issue that caused base guard rate to be lower than it should have been
Fixed issue that caused HP not to be as high as it should have been
Future KR patch partially applied early for Incar Magician due to necessity based on statistics
Overall magic damage increased by 1%
Major Crash bug --> fixed an important crash bug that caused the client to crash
Siege Adjustment
Anti-Spawn Kill Buff
Duration increased from 8 seconds --> 13 seconds
Important: The buff is only given every 6 seconds. You should time your teleport entrance accordingly.
Abyss-Fallen Sailor Ring Upgrade -
"Old Navy Insignia" is no longer a requirement.
Pet Summon Time decreased to 1 second (was 3 seconds)
Client/Server Performance
Fixed major issue that caused a delay in processing data between the client and server. This caused issues like characters teleporting or incorrect skill casting and affected all channels but impacted DK channels more.
Colosseum Rankings page added
Will be improved with more detail soon.
NEW: Ideas System
We love incorporating ideas and feedback. We've created a new system to make it easier to organize and keep track of ideas and feedback. Simple click the IDEAS button on the top of the website navigation bar