Patch 19.0: Draco Revamp, Skins, 10% HP/MP Potions, Balance, and more!
Quick Disclaimer + Near Future
Unfortunately this patch does not include everything we were targeting due to unexpected issues with the last update. However, expect another update very soon with more new content. ❤️
Huge shout out to Flourished (our new GFX team member). He designed the Blossom skins and did an amazing job.
Coming Soon:
Major network upgrade that will improve latency globally, especially for Asia players.
Colosseum Competitive SR Ranking System (Season 1)
More new content
Balance improvements from new official patch
New game modes
New custom PvP/PvE System
Draco Battle + 10% HP/MP Potions
Rewards Improved
After each Draco Battle round (3 rounds per Draco), you will receive 1-3 Draco Battle Exchange coins.
Draco Battle Exchange Coins can be exchanged for the Draco Battle Reward Box
Draco Battle Reward Box
1x Mark of the BattleField
10% HP Potion [NEW]
10% MP Potion [NEW]
Draco Battle + Zuto Battle + DK Square
Fair-Play Improvements
Competitive game modes can be extremely fun and rewarding, however, their quality is degraded when certain members attempt to abuse the systems for unfair advantage or unearned rewards.
RisingProtect 2.0
Alt-Detect 2.0
We have revamped the system that detects dual loggers in competitive game modes to be much more accurate and resilient, as well as compatible with ExitLag.
AFK-Detect 1.0
AFK Tracking predicts characters that are AFK-ing in competitive modes for the sake of rewards.
Penalties / Bans
Abuse attempts will be either "flagged" or "confirmed". In some cases there will be no notification to the user.
If a character receives a certain number of abuse flags, or confirmed abuse detection, they may be banned from competitive modes, sometimes without warning.
Upon a competitive ban, an in-game mail will be sent with information about when the ban expires (if ever)
If a character seemingly tries to bypass abuse bans, rewards may be deleted from their character.
Abusers will be removed, banned, and or disqualified from any upcoming ranking systems (Colosseum, DKS, etc) or tournaments.
New Skins: Blossom + Dragon
Blossom Skin
Obtainable from D-Shop + Events
Dragon Skins (Gold, Blue, Red, Black) [PREVIEW ONLY]
PREVIEW ONLY --> These will not be in the D-Shop and are not released yet. They will be added as a reward for competitive systems or a farmable prize in an update soon.
With the addition of 10% pots and characters overall being able to tank more damage, we've dialed back a nerf that we did (equally to all classes) on Meister skills. We implemented that nerf a while ago when the server first launched and people were dying in < 5 seconds due to gear.
After this update, all classes will see their Meister skill damage increase after this update.
Replaced "Scroll of Patience" with Edible Starfish in Scrolls supply machine.
Stability / Performance
Fixed block feature
Added new PT system, chat sys, and guild-systems
Fixed PT search crash
Fixed random crashes (Prison, some DGs, etc)
Fixed "Server Disconnect" issue
Improved FPS
Fixed some skill animations + casting issues
Added new options
Fixed some network and network-related visual bugs
Fixed issue with some dungeons
Fixed issue with event system that caused some events not to work correctly.
Scores will be displayed on the website under rankings and on the game launcher.
Prizes + how the system works will be announced on the website when Season 1 starts.
Prizes will include custom cosmetics and more
Prize Previews:
Example data: