Patch 11.1: DKS, Draco Battlefield, Perpetus, & more!
Event Updates
DK Square rewards increased significantly
Draco Battlefield
New Schedule - Daily:
04:00 UTC
10:00 UTC
16:00 UTC
22:00 UTC
Rewards significantly increased.
Zuto Battle
New Schedule:
Rewards updated:
Losing team reward increased from 5 Z Coin -> 25 Z Coin
Siege Battle
IMPORTANT: Siege is still Sunday December 11th, 2022. The first Saturday Siege will be December 17th.
New day of the week: Saturday
Time: 15:00 (unchanged)
Event Countdowns
Event countdowns added to website homepage
Perpetus Changes
Seed of Dreams -> C Coin
Added C coin exchange in Rising Helion NPC
1250 Seed of Dream = 50 C Coin
Added an alternative method of obtaining Eternal Essence (needed to re-roll perp) and infinite essence (needed to craft Perpetus)
Eternal Essence:
Original method (unmodified): 20 DK Coin - Crafting System
Alternative method (new):
5 DK Coin + 50 Z Coin (Rising Helion NPC)
Infinite Essence:
Original method (unmodified): 20 DK Coin - Crafting System
Alternative method (new):
15 DK Coin + 65 Z Coin (Rising Helion NPC)
Dragon Tear
Dragon Tear added to Rising Helion NPC (Seed of Dreams exchange)
Drop-rate improvements for Perpetus crafting materials:
Dragon Horn drop rate increased
Corrupt Essence drop rate increased
Dragon Claw drop rate increased
Sal Crystalline drop rate increased
Dragon Tongue drop rate increased
Dragon Scale drop rate increased
Maneuver's Magic Crystal drop rate increased
Bug Fixes / Misc Changes
Dead Front Fixed - Ark Only
Fixed two bugs that resulted in a rare client crash with error reporter
Fixed an issue that caused the Siege announcement to occur at the incorrect time
Fixed an issue that caused Karke [EVENT] boss to die too quicky
Fixed several game related texts
[Web Event] Winter Screnshot Event