This is Rising's official first A35-Guild War system. Since it's the first time (and things go wrong), we are calling it a beta tournament. If it works out well we will start doing this more regularly.
Important Dates / Times
Application Period: Ends Thursday May 11th at 11:00AM Server Time
Brackets will be randomized and released on Friday (next day)
Tournament Matches: Saturday May 13th 2023
First Round: 15:00 UTC Server Time
Quarter Finals: 16:00 UTC Server Time
Semi Finals: 17:00PM UTC Server Time
Finals: Sunday May 14th 2023
Finals: 15:00PM UTC Server Time
How to Apply
Application Requirements
Level 9 or Above
Each person can only enter one character. Multiple HWIDs will lead to a disqualification.
Each character must be above level 210 to apply.
If there are too many guilds, guilds will be prioritized in this order:
Guild Level
Total guild points
Only the guild leader can manage the applicants.
Match and Round Progression
All buffs are reset upon entrance. Cooldowns are also reset upon entrance.
Each match is 3 rounds. The maximum time of each round is 10 minutes.
After each round there is a 5 minute break.
Possible points (for each round):
Win: 2 Points, Draw: 1 Point, Loss: 0 Points
If the score is 3:3 at the end of all rounds,a rematch will be held. The time of rematch depends on the time of the previous battle.
In the case of a draw/rematch, the guild with the FIRST KILL wins.
Late Entrance / Noshow
If you are late to the first round, you will enter as a "spectator" until the next round.
If a guild does not show up the match will be automatically forfeited
Any disconnections are treated as a death. Whoever enters can participate again in the next round.
Ressurection Skills
Segnale "Recover" and "Revive" skills --> CAN be used.
Segnale/Seguriper "Ressurection", "Recover Routine" and "Bead of Life" ressurections can NOT be used.
1st Place:
7,500 Coins (Each Participating Member), 10,000 Coins (Guild Leader)
2nd Place:
5,000 Coins (Each Participating Member), 6,000 Coins (Guild Leader)
3rd Place:
3,000 Coins (Each Participating Member), 5,000 Coins (Guild Leader)
Future Prizes
Future prizes will consist of limited edition skins and costumes. Since this is just a test we will keep the current prizes limited to coins.
1v1 Tournament (same style as Weekly Tournament)
This is a tournament that is the same style as the previous weekly 3v3 Tournament but 1v1. It will be hosted by Rising @Eccle. Since we do not have [GM] characters on Rising A35 to ensure fairness, please make sure to keep an eye out and follow directions that will be given via the megaphone ingame.
Time: 13:00 UTC Friday (before Zuto)
Tournament will start when announced ingame/Discord.
To apply, message RisingEccle in-game or on Discord.
Tournament will be on DK channel. Application will be on Ark channel.
1st Place: 5,000 D-Shop
2nd Place: 3,000 D-Shop
3rd Place: 2,000 D-Shop